Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tooth Correction

Last week, Sam posted that Andrew was cutting his third tooth.  Well, Sam was wrong.  Andrew wasn't cutting his third tooth . . . . he was cutting his third AND fourth.  Our sweet little angel has been a bit trying lately and now we know why.  I've tried to get a picture of his new chompers, but he has other ideas.

Apparently, growing teeth is really hard work.  Andrew was playing on the floor this morning and just fell asleep.  He RARELY falls asleep any place other than his crib and car seat these days, so Sam hurried to take a photo just in case it didn't last.

It lasted.  Andrew napped on the floor for almost ten minutes before Sam carried him upstairs and put him in his crib.  He continued to nap for another hour and half.  Sometimes it's hard work being a baby.

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