Thursday, November 8, 2012

Andrew's Head Progress

We went and saw Dr. Karl again today to see how Andrew's head shape is progressing.  Today he got a new scan, so that we could visually see the results.  His head is rounding out very nicely, and faster than we expected.

The results are in the scan shown above.  The dark pink outline is the original shape, while the dark blue outline is the shape today.  As you can see, it has grown out quite a bit.  In the results to the right, you see a "Diff" of 13mm originally and 8.3mm now.  That means that before, the difference between the diagonal measurements on one side of his head and the other was 13mm, over half an inch.  Now, we are down to doing much better.  They want to see below 6mm.

We have another appointment in three weeks to see how we are progressing then.  Updates to follow!

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