Sunday, November 4, 2012

Some new friends!

This week, Andrew took a trip with Mom and Dad to Charlotte, NC.  Mom and Dad were visiting friends, and Andrew made some new ones.

His first new friends were our friend Chloe's dogs, Dorie and Rudy.  Andrew loved the dogs and the dogs were so gentle with him.  There were a few very sweet moments that we didn't get a photo of, because the camera didn't turn on fast enough.  But one was Dorie (the white dog) sitting, and Andrew sitting up beside her with his arm around her and his hand on her back.

We also took Andrew to the Renaissance Festival, and Emily made him a costume to match one of our favorite acts, the acrobatic trio Barely Balanced.  The leader of the act fell in love with Andrew and gave us a free DVD because of him.  He also said he had to hold Andrew any time he saw him because he thought Andrew was so awesome.

Andrew playing with Dorie and Rudy.

Andrew gets a kiss from Dorie

Andrew eating his new DVD from Cameron
of Barely Balanced.

Cameron from Barely Balanced even picked Andrew
up (on stilts!) to show him to the audience.
The audience gave a big "Awwwwwwwww!!!!"

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