Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Disney World!

We recently got home from a trip to Disney World and a three-day Disney Cruise with Andrew and some friends.

On the first day of the trip, we visited the Magic Kingdom and EPCOT and Andrew got to meet a bunch of Disney characters.  While he's obviously too young to really know what's going on, he was all smiles during the day.  All of the sounds and fuzzy friends made him very happy!

The day went much better than any of us could have expected.  We figured that after a few hours at the park, babies would start getting cranky, and we'd have to head home around lunchtime for naps.  Instead, the babies cooperated most of the day, took unexpected naps in their strollers, and we were at the park from about 9am until almost 7pm.  Very fun day!

Andrew was enthralled by some of the rides.

A little time spent in Mexico at EPCOT.
And, then there were the characters.  Andrew was extremely popular, especially since he had each of the characters stickered on his helmet.

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