Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Baby Gym

While Sam was out of town, Emily took Andrew to a baby gym (otherwise known as "awesome place with all kinds of things to climb on and through, bounce on, or get lost in").  He loved it so much, they decided to go back when Sam was in town.

That was today.  And Emily wasn't kidding: Andrew LOVES this place.  He had just woken up from a not-long-enough nap when we got there, so we thought it would be short-lived until he became  unhappy.  Well, that never happened...he spent the whole time laughing, giggling, chortling...whatever you want to call it.  He had a blast.

In addition to just playing, many of the setups are made for teaching and learning.  They even get into some of the science behind why a certain obstacle or activity helps the baby develop senses and skills.

They were running some specials for signing up, so we signed him up for the first month of "classes" which also includes some free-play time on other days.  Safe to say, this will probably be a frequent visit.

Below are a few pictures and videos of Andrew playing.

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