Thursday, January 31, 2013

Sick and a Helmet Update

If there's one thing you can say about our family, it's that we like to share.  Andrew is no exception to the rule, so when he got a nasty cold, he decided to give it to Sam and me too.  He's a little more whiney and clingy, but is handling it like a champ.  It has, however, made for some very boring days.  Normally, we try to go out every day.  Sometimes we go to play dates and sometimes it's just running errands, but we both do MUCH better when we get out of the house frequently.  Well, aside from his helmet appointment yesterday, Andrew and I haven't left the house since Sunday.  I think it's safe to say that we're both suffering from cabin fever, but I think the worst is over.  Hopefully he'll be feeling well enough to go to his gym class tomorrow!

Andrew had a helmet appointment yesterday.  Much like his last scan, there wasn't much difference.  It's common around this age to have progress stall.  They just don't grow as fast as they do when they're little.  That being said, the doctors are VERY pleased with his progress.  The asymmetry in his head is within the normal range.  They gave us the option of stopping the helmet altogether, or having him wear it for naps and nighttime.  Sam's in Canada, so I had to make the decision myself, and I decided to keep going with the helmet.  It doesn't bother him at all and there's still a chance his head could get even better.  We'll do this for six more weeks, until March 14th, then we'll be done for good!  I've also grown attached to his helmet, so I think this will make it a little easier for me to transition too!

Because he's been sick, it's been hard to get some good photos of his head without the helmet.

I think our next concern is getting him his first haircut.  The hair over his ears is really long and messy looking.  I'll have to wait until Sam gets home for that though.  I think he'd kill me if Andrew got his first haircut without his dad.

And then here's some proof that Andrew's starting to feel a little better.  It's the first time he's laughed like this in days!

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