Monday, October 22, 2012

I'm Watching You!

We have a camera on Andrew's crib so that we can keep an eye on him.  It gives a little more info than just a noise monitor.  Sam set it up to record a time-lapse movie every night while Andrew is in the crib.  It started just to see how Andrew was moving around in his crib, because we'd find him totally turned around each morning. Then, it just became something funny to watch.

The camera has a ring of infrared LEDs on it, so that it can see in the dark room.  Apparently, Andrew now sees those LEDs and he has become mesmerized by them.  Many mornings, he's found looking right into the camera.  And with the time lapse movies recording,  there have been quite a few images captured of him doing that.

Most of these images were taken on different days, but a few are from the same day.  Some of the faces he makes are pretty hilarious.  I kind of want to caption them.

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