Friday, October 5, 2012

Andrew Meets The Myers

Last weekend, we took Andrew up to Massachusetts to meet the whole Myers Family.  This included three aunts and uncles and five cousins.  We had a lot of fun over the weekend, and Andrew was definitely a popular kid!  Below are just a few of the many photos form the weekend.  There are plenty more if anyone wants them!

Andrew playing with cousin Riley. 
Andrew trying to eat Magnolia's head.  Or giving her a little kiss.

Andrew and cousin Nate.

Andrew and cousin Chris.
Andrew and the three boys: Chris, Ben, and Nate.
At the apple orchard, Andrew gets his first taste of sweet fruit.
It was very cute watching him lick the apple.
I guess he liked it!
Staying warm in Nancy's jacket.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely think Andrew was trying to eat Magnolia, it's a kiss for Nate. I would give anything to be feeding him right now and have him fall asleep on me this afternoon. Loved the visit and am glad you reposted the blog--it's now on my 'favorites.'
