Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Andrew gets his helmet

I mean seriously?  How cute is this kid?

Andrew had his helmet fitting today, and it went very well.  In fact,  Andrew giggled so much during the appointment, that the doctor himself started cracking up and had a hard time getting the fitting done.  But, it's finally done, and Andrew now has his lid.  It hasn't been decorated yet, but that is coming!

He seems unfazed by it so far.  He acts the same whether it is on his head or not.  For the first day, he wears it only three hours.  Tomorrow will be six hours.  Then twelve, then eighteen.  Finally, on Saturday, he goes to 23 hours a day.

We have follow-up appointments to check his progress on October 16 and October 30.  He gets a progress scan on November 8 to see how it is working.  We will be sure to keep everyone updated.

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