Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Andrew had quite a busy Halloween week.  He started at a party for Emily's Moms' Group, spent a day at the Aquarium's Halloween party, and spent Halloween night with his friends in Senoia.  Andrew was a very convincing Kermit the frog!

Monday, October 29, 2012

A visit from the Grandparents!

In a matter of 48 hours in the last week of October, Andrew got a visit by two sets of grandparents.  It was a very good visit, and Andrew got all sorts of love!


Grandaddy Bill!

Grandaddy and Jaja

Very studious.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Six Month Appointment

Andrew had his six month appointment the other day.  He is doing very well and the doctor says he is hitting everything he needs to hit involving hands, sitting, etc.  He also got a few more shots, which made him cry for only about five seconds.  He takes these things a little better than Sam did when he was a kid.

Andrew is now 22lbs 13 oz,  and 27 3/4 inches tall.  That's a gain of almost 14 lbs. and 6 inches since he was born!  His head size is also off the charts.

I'm Watching You!

We have a camera on Andrew's crib so that we can keep an eye on him.  It gives a little more info than just a noise monitor.  Sam set it up to record a time-lapse movie every night while Andrew is in the crib.  It started just to see how Andrew was moving around in his crib, because we'd find him totally turned around each morning. Then, it just became something funny to watch.

The camera has a ring of infrared LEDs on it, so that it can see in the dark room.  Apparently, Andrew now sees those LEDs and he has become mesmerized by them.  Many mornings, he's found looking right into the camera.  And with the time lapse movies recording,  there have been quite a few images captured of him doing that.

Most of these images were taken on different days, but a few are from the same day.  Some of the faces he makes are pretty hilarious.  I kind of want to caption them.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Some more from October

Andrew continues to do new things, and who are we to keep those to ourselves?

One thing Andrew wanted to do was bulk up a little bit, and get rid of that baby fat.  So he turned to water aerobics, which he does with mommy.  OK, OK...the class is really for Emily, but it's a mom and baby water aerobics class, so Andrew becomes her partner.  He still loves being in the water.

Andrew trying out a rocking chair.
Yes, we were right next to him!

Andrew sitting on his own and watching Baby Einstein.
He sat like this for a while.  He seems to love Baby Einstein.
And now, for further proof of his Baby Einstein love, I present this video.  Shortly after the photo above was taken, Andrew was still sitting there, intently watching Baby Einstein.  Suddenly, he burst out laughing, and continued to do so through a whole scene.  He didn't laugh any more after that, so I thought I was a fluke.  Just to test, I rewound it and played it again. He busted out laughing again at the same spot.  So I did it a third time, and recorded it that time!  Below is Andrew's reaction to that particular scene.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Andrew wanted to tell Grandaddy Bill Happy Birthday!  We emailed one photo to him, but thought some of the "outtakes" were funny.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Pumpkin Time

We went to a pumpkin patch down in Newnan, Georgia, today with some friends and their twins.  We took Andrew on a hayride, and strolled a little bit around the farm.

Warning...the following photos may just kill you with cuteness!  As you can see, the helmet gives all of his smiles a little evil grin.

Mid-October Update!

Andrew has been just being a baby for the past few weeks.

He is eating solid foods (well, when we say solid, we mean pureed vegetables) every day.  He's been eating squash, sweet potatoes, green beans, peas, and even some apples and bananas.  We're mostly sticking to the vegetables now.  Don't want him getting a sweet tooth too early!  He likes to grab the spoon himself, but that tends to make a mess.

He's also getting closer to crawling.  If he's really determined, he will get from point A to point B.  It just takes a little bit of time, and a lot of work.  He managed yesterday to scoot himself about fifteen feet across the floor over about a ten-minute period.  He also makes his way all over our living room going from toy to toy.

He is also sitting up.  He can't sit himself you, but if you place him that way, he stays without falling over.

We also took Andrew to the zoo this week.  While he can't tell what is what, he seemed to enjoy the activity.  We also got a couple of fun photos.

OK, OK...I know you just want pictures!!

Getting ready to eat!
Goofing around at the picture board. Andrew the lion.
Andrew rode on a carousel!
Sitting up.

Ready for another

We spent the night with some of our friends, and the dog LOVED Andrew.
There was a little tongue.
Here's a little video of Andrew eating his veggies.  Sound was removed because we were being weird. You can see him grabbing for the spoon almost every time.  He really wants to do it himself.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Andrew is six months!!

It's been half a year already!!  Six months since Andrew was born.  And, keeping wiht tradition, here are his six-month photos.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Andrew Meets The Myers

Last weekend, we took Andrew up to Massachusetts to meet the whole Myers Family.  This included three aunts and uncles and five cousins.  We had a lot of fun over the weekend, and Andrew was definitely a popular kid!  Below are just a few of the many photos form the weekend.  There are plenty more if anyone wants them!

Andrew playing with cousin Riley. 
Andrew trying to eat Magnolia's head.  Or giving her a little kiss.

Andrew and cousin Nate.

Andrew and cousin Chris.
Andrew and the three boys: Chris, Ben, and Nate.
At the apple orchard, Andrew gets his first taste of sweet fruit.
It was very cute watching him lick the apple.
I guess he liked it!
Staying warm in Nancy's jacket.

Sitting Up

Somebody has started sitting up on his own.  I'm not okay with this.  Where did my little boy go?  He's looking like a little man!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Helmet Followup

Andrew has had his helmet for a couple of days now.  Every day, he wears it a little bit longer.  He still seems to be taking it well.  He's been able to nap in it without a problem, but we don't start overnight until tomorrow night.  That'll be the true test . . . .

We've run a couple of errands in his helmet, as well as a trip to the aquarium.  I was worried that people would stare at the kid in the helmet, but everybody seems to love it!  He gets a lot of attention in it, but it's all positive.  He's gotten high fives from random strangers and lots of comments about how cute he is.

I tried to paint it the other day, but all the paint I use seems to chip off.  I put some stickers on there in the meantime, because no kid should have a plain white helmet.

He's sitting up like a big boy now when we go grocery shopping.

He's eating solid foods daily now.  So far, he likes green beans, peas, squash, and sweet potato, but he loves his carrots!  Unfortunately, he likes to play with his food as much as he likes to eat it.