Monday, May 14, 2012

One Month Check-up

Making funny faces while waiting for the pediatrician.

Andrew went to the pediatrician this morning for his one month check-up.  He's doing great.  First of all, he's huge.  He's up to 11 pounds 10 ounces and 22.5" long.  His tummy troubles are getting better and we have a few more things to try to make him more comfortable.  The doctor says he has an immature digestive system but that it should all work itself out in time.  Andrew also has a flat spot on the side of his head because he insists on sleeping with that side down.  I just have to do my best to get him to nap on the other side of his head during the day.  Both of these problems are totally normal and nothing to be concerned about.  We're just keeping an eye on them for now.

Not only is our son advanced in his height and weight. . . . he's excelling in other areas as well.  His head and neck control are great.  He's very aware and focussed and will watch things going on around him intently.  I've also gotten a few smiles out of him over the past couple of days, but I've been unable to get a good photo.  These are all things he should be doing at two months, so he's doing great!

Six more days until Sam gets home!

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