Sunday, May 6, 2012

More from the Photo Shoot

I got a CD with all of the photos from Andrew's photoshoot last week, but I still haven't gotten the chance to go through them all.  (Computer issues, and my IT guy is currently in Los Angeles.)  I thought I'd pick a few more of the photos I have to put up here, but I can't really make up my mind.  There are quite a few cute ones!  So, sorry if this post is a little photo-heavy.

If you want to order prints of any of these photos, you can go to  Click on 'Andrew's Newborn Photoshoot.'  The password is "uggboots."  From there, you can see most of the photos from the shoot and order prints, t-shirts, coffee mugs, and whatever else you might want.

Enough with the details.  On with the cuteness!

He HATES when I kiss him like this.  Too bad kid, because I'm going to do it for the rest of your life.  And if you make me mad? I'm going to do it in front of all of your friends and your girlfriend.

He's so TINY in his crib.  You can barely see him in there!  

Modeling the hat that was handmade by the lovely ladies at Zebra Marketing.

Chubby wrinkles, and it looks like he's smiling!  I love this one!

Tiny feet!

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