Friday, May 25, 2012

New photos!

Since he's not doing much or changing much now, there aren't a whole lot of amazing new photos, but here are a few to tip your cuteness meter over!

I just thought this was a really cool photo of Andrew in his swing.  The movement of the swing made the outsides a blurry swirl.

Sleeping on daddy.

Mommy had a doctor's appointment, so I decided I would hang out with Daddy for a little while.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Date Night!

We left Andrew with our neighbors Katie and Jason (who are having twins next month) and went on a date night.  Just the two of us!  We started with dinner at a really good Indian restaurant, then followed that with a few frames of bowling.  A fun night!

Sam and Emily on date night.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Sam's Home!

Sam is back at home. After a long day marred by street closures on both ends, missed and rebooked flights, and a whole list of unhelpful LA people, Sam made it home on Sunday night to a baby with a sign and balloons. Unfortunately, there's no photo of that. But it was cute! Glad to be home, :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I've been getting occasional real smiles out of Andrew over the past few days.  It's been hard to get a photo because they are few and far between.  Well, this morning, I finally got one!  I was singing to him while I was checking my e-mail and he seemed to approve.

His face is dirty because he just finished eating and my hand is in the way, but you cant deny the adorableness of that little smile.

Monday, May 14, 2012

My Evening in Photos

Bath time for Andrew.  He's come a long way in the past month.  He seems to really like them these days.  I have to make the water hotter than recommended and fill the level higher than recommended.  When I do this, he could sit in the water and play all day.  (Photo edited for Buddy modesty)

Unfortunately, he doesn't like when he has to get out.  He screams and cries because he gets really cold.  I dry him off as fast as I can, then wrap him in a new, dry towel and blanket.  We spend some time cuddling and everything is well in the world again.  I even throw a cloth diaper between his legs in case of any accidents, but I like to try and give him a few minutes of diaper-free time.  

It didn't work.  He peed on me.  And this is what wasn't absorbed by the cloth diaper, towel, and blanket.  That kid has impressive bladder capacity.

I put a diaper on him and wrapped him up in a new, dry blanket.  He and I had a little chat about what he did to me.  This photo is him thinking long and hard about his actions.   

He must have been okay with his decisions because as soon as I got him dressed, he passed out.  I'm glad to know that his guilt isn't going to keep him up at night.

One Month Check-up

Making funny faces while waiting for the pediatrician.

Andrew went to the pediatrician this morning for his one month check-up.  He's doing great.  First of all, he's huge.  He's up to 11 pounds 10 ounces and 22.5" long.  His tummy troubles are getting better and we have a few more things to try to make him more comfortable.  The doctor says he has an immature digestive system but that it should all work itself out in time.  Andrew also has a flat spot on the side of his head because he insists on sleeping with that side down.  I just have to do my best to get him to nap on the other side of his head during the day.  Both of these problems are totally normal and nothing to be concerned about.  We're just keeping an eye on them for now.

Not only is our son advanced in his height and weight. . . . he's excelling in other areas as well.  His head and neck control are great.  He's very aware and focussed and will watch things going on around him intently.  I've also gotten a few smiles out of him over the past couple of days, but I've been unable to get a good photo.  These are all things he should be doing at two months, so he's doing great!

Six more days until Sam gets home!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Happy Birthday Tonya

Happy Birthday Tonya!

Happy Birthday Tonya!

Some new pics

I can't come up with any clever names for blog they will continue to be fairly mundane for now.'s a few new photos selected from the ones that Emily sends me each day while i'm out of town.

Ready for an evening on the town.

One month old!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Not-so-happy baby

The mixture of hiccups and most likely dirty-diaper time makes Andrew a bit unhappy.  But this is about the funniest unhappy baby ever.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

More from the Photo Shoot

I got a CD with all of the photos from Andrew's photoshoot last week, but I still haven't gotten the chance to go through them all.  (Computer issues, and my IT guy is currently in Los Angeles.)  I thought I'd pick a few more of the photos I have to put up here, but I can't really make up my mind.  There are quite a few cute ones!  So, sorry if this post is a little photo-heavy.

If you want to order prints of any of these photos, you can go to  Click on 'Andrew's Newborn Photoshoot.'  The password is "uggboots."  From there, you can see most of the photos from the shoot and order prints, t-shirts, coffee mugs, and whatever else you might want.

Enough with the details.  On with the cuteness!

He HATES when I kiss him like this.  Too bad kid, because I'm going to do it for the rest of your life.  And if you make me mad? I'm going to do it in front of all of your friends and your girlfriend.

He's so TINY in his crib.  You can barely see him in there!  

Modeling the hat that was handmade by the lovely ladies at Zebra Marketing.

Chubby wrinkles, and it looks like he's smiling!  I love this one!

Tiny feet!

Friday, May 4, 2012

My Baby Burrito

Andrew has a lot of nicknames already, depending on the time of day or his mood.  This picture captures one of my favorites.  Whether he's my Buddy Burrito, Baby Burrito, or some other incarnation, this is one of my favorite times of day.  He might keep me up at night, but he takes after his dad in the morning.  This boy does not like getting up before 10:00.  He is all swaddled up like a burrito and happily oblivious to the world.  

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

More fun photos!

Emily has been sending me a lot of photos so I can stay up to date with Andrew.  These are some of my recent favorites.

Tummy time.

Contemplating world domination.

100% zonked out.

This is one of my new favorites.