Sunday, February 16, 2014

February Photos!

It's been way too long since we've done an update.  Sam just got home after being out of town for three weeks.  While he was gone, Atlanta got hit with snow and an ice storm.  Andrew and I spent a lot of time inside in our pajamas.  We jumped at every opportunity to get out of the house and play because we were both suffering from cabin fever.

Andrew's first real snow!  He loved it, for about five minutes. 

Once he realized that snow was cold, he was
done and wanted to go back inside.

Business casual Andrew at My Gym.

The ONE day we were able to get out to the playground!

I took Andrew to a new indoor playground. 

This one has all sorts of new things to play with!

Bouncing around at the playground!

Just some giggles before bedtime.

Any time the temperature was cooperating,
we'd take the wagon for a stroll around the

In an attempt to avoid the ice and power outages,
Andrew and I headed to Hilton Head for a few days
this week.  Papa let him pull out all of the pots
and pans.  Andrew was so happy, since he's not
allowed to do this at home.

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