Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Great progress!!

Andrew is showing more and more signs of learning, some of which blow us away at times.

The first is regarding his number blocks:

Now, he's known his numbers for a while, and loves to count.  But, what he's doing with the blocks is a whole different scenario.  He knows which block is which number, by color.  So, if we ask him to get us the number 2 block, he goes and grabs the yellow block without having to look to see if it's number 2.  Ask for the number 6 block, he grabs the purple one.  He knows all ten of them.  That's mind-boggling.

The second is with his farm animals:

He knows them by name.  We ask him to grab the pig, he grabs the pig.  Ask for the horse, he gets the horse. And while he doesn't know how to say their names yet, he knows some of their sounds.  He's gotten better since this video was taken, but it gives you an idea:

So things are looking good!

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