Thursday, August 28, 2014

First Day of School!

How did we get to this point already?  He's growing up so fast!  Today was Andrew's first day of preschool.  He's in a classroom with nine other students, two teachers, and his very own "inclusion specialist."  The I.S. is there to help him throughout the day with anything he might have trouble with, such as transitions between activities or listening/following directions.  When Andrew is doing well, the I.S. is just like an additional teacher, helping out with all of the other kids.

Yesterday, Andrew helped me tie dye a t-shirt for him to wear for photos this morning.  We made it with a men's large t-shirt, and I plan on making him take a picture in it every year until he finishes college.  It was a little hard to get a good picture of him in the shirt.  He was too excited to sit still.  We might have to recreate this photo this weekend when Sam is able to help.

At some point, this shirt will likely be
too small for him.  I can't wait to see the
photos from all the school years and see
how much he's changed.
Looking quite dapper in his first day of
school outfit!
One more quick picture before we went inside!
One of the bonuses of Andrew having an aide is that Sam
and I get photo updates throughout the day!
Apparently Andrew and this little boy really hit it off.
After playing puzzles for a while, they shared a snack
of fresh peaches together.
This is what Andrew was doing when I went to pick him up.
At the end of the day, they have some free-play time.  Not
surprisingly, Andrew was playing with the puzzles again.
Here, his I.S. and little classmate were giving him a hand.
Sweaty, messy, and smiling from ear to ear.  I
think it's safe to say that he had a great first
day at school!

 We also get daily e-mail updates from his I.S. every afternoon.  She said he had a great first day!  He had a little difficulty with transitions, especially when he had to stop doing something that he loved.  But, he was easily redirected and would quickly join in the new activity.  That's all pretty standard behavior for a two year old, and he had a easier day than a lot of his classmates!  She is very excited for this year and so are we!

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