Tuesday, July 8, 2014

July Update

We've gotten really bad about updating this on a regular basis!

This post covers the last couple of months in the life of Andrew.

Andrew has learned how to feed himself really well with a spoon.
And he loves frozen yogurt with some fun toppings!
Here's a video of him eating:

Andrew has also become fond of making sure the lights
are on or off for his daily escapades.
Where he got this obsession with lights is unknown.

Sometimes, Andrew is just plain silly.
Andrew loves going to splash pads to play.
On this trip, ge got a special surprise from one
of the other kids.

And that silliness can wear a kid down.
And sometimes, after a long day, you just have to
sit back in your favorite chair and play a game.

A trip to Memphis.

We recently took a trip up to Memphis to see some family we hadn't seen in years, and to let Andrew meet his cousins who he had never met.  It was a great weekend for Andrew, although Sam ended up in the hospital and missed most of it!

Here are some highlights.

Playing in the Mud Island Riverwalk.  Andrew had a blast here.
And playing at the Childrens' Museum in Memphis with their
wall of tubes.  Andrew was fascinated with this!

Meeting and playing with Cousins Will and Ellie.

Playing the alphabet with Cousin Will.

Andrew got into a tube of toothpaste when
he was supposed to be taking a nap.

Reading a book with Papi.
And reading with Jaja.

And finally:

Andrew is saying his name!!!!

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