Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Another Christmas is down in the books.  It was a great one here at the Rembert house.

Last week we went to see a big yearly Christmas display at Life Christian University.  We had to wait until dark, so it was a little later in the day.  When we got to the university, we looked back, and Andrew was passed out in his car seat.  After a little discussion, we decided to go ahead and wake him up.  It was lucky we did, because he was incredibly adorable and had a wonderful time.  Pictures and a video from that night are below.

This is just about the cutest video ever.

Christmas day brought quite a few new presents for Andrew.  He had a blast playing with all of them all day.  And he actually played with the toys rather than just the boxes or the paper.  And he barely touched any of his old toys during the day.

Santa's Cookies were not safe.
Stop taking pictures!!!

Grabbing the next present.
New play kitchen from Papa and Grancy.
Farm sounds barn from Santa.
Drawing on the MagnaDoodle from Poppy and Jaja.
A Thomas the Tank Engine train set from G and Grandpa Bill.
Banging on the xylophone.

Testing out the harmonica.  It took  few tries, but he got it down.

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