Saturday, November 2, 2013

November already?

Time flies when you're having fun, I guess. Sam has our nice camera in Philadelphia, and it has all of our good photos on it. While we wait for him to upload some of them here, I'll post some pictures from my phone to tide you over.

For Halloween, Andrew went as a 1950's greaser, and I was his pink lady. I even put flames on the little push car he rode around our neighborhood in.

We had a lazy day yesterday. Andrew was being awfully sweet and snugly. Every once in a while, everybody needs to spend a day in their pajamas. If they're footie jammies, even better.

Making faces after bath time.

And coloring a picture for Sam. I might have helped him a bit. Andrew LOVES to color lately. He'd do it all day long if we'd let him.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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