Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October 1st Photo Dump

We've been horrible about updating lately.  Sorry about that.  Sam's been busy with work and I've been busy with Andrew.  Things have been going well in these parts.  There's not too much new to report.

Andrew kicking his feet up and relaxing after a long,
hard day of being one.  

He emptied all of the blankets out of the baskets in his
dresser so that he could sit in one and read.

We're at the playground almost every day.  The weather is
so nice out, it seems a shame to stay inside.  

These pictures are from Andrew's favorite park.  The "Toy Park"
is filled with all sorts of plastic toys that families have donated.
Andrew felt the need to pick up every pinecone in the park and
put them in the pretend washing machine.  Then he hopped up
on the play structure so he could drive it around.

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