Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Andrew's Favorite Pasttime

Andrew loves to read.  Well, at least he loves flipping through books.  The photo below is a common sight in the mornings or after a bath when we play in his room.

Andrew has dozens of books, which sit on a bookshelf until he makes the mess seen in the photo above.

But, now here is the interesting part.  Often, Andrew picks a book out and brings it to us so that we can read it to him.  It is almost always one of two books, "Good Night I Love You" or "Moo Baa La La La".

I tried an experiment this evening, and placed "Moo Baa La La La" in the bookshelf above in several different locations. I also mixed it in with the books that were strewn about the floor.  He always found it and brought it back to me.  You can see below him setting it on my lap so that I can read it to him.

I think it's pretty amazing that a 15-month old can repeatedly find the same book.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Just Because

15 Months

Andrew had his 15 month check-up the other day and all is well. He hasn't gained too much since his one year appointment. The pediatrician thinks he'll continue this trend as he becomes more active. His height is still on the top end of the charts too.

We talked a bit about Andrew not talking, and he's not worried at all. He said that if he wasn't saying 3-5 words by his next appointment in October, we'll start to look into it. Boys tend to talk later than girls, and he's advanced in so many other things. He also has the ability to make lots of different letter sounds. He just doesn't put them together in to words yet. I have a feeling that once he figures that out, he won't stop talking. For now, we'll enjoy the "silence."

Playing with his buddy Dylan. (Who happens to be almost a year older)

Funny faces during breakfast.

Andrew knocked his dinner on to the floor and decided to eat it there. At least he was thoughtful enough to grab a mop and kitchen towel to clean up after himself.

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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Rainy Days

There haven't been too many updates lately, mainly because we've been pretty boring. The weather in Atlanta has been unreal. We're set to break the all time record for the wettest year in Atlanta. Needless to say, it's no fun being stuck inside all day. Especially when you're one.

Reading books on the couch.

Funny faces in the bath.

More reading. This kid LOVES his books.

And this is what cabin fever looks like when you're one.

He's gotten several more teeth, so now I think he's up to 10, with two more coming in. He's got his 15 month appointment coming up, so I'm sure we'll have an update then!

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Friday, July 12, 2013

Fun at the Splash Pad

This video was from a couple of weeks ago at another splash pad. Andrew has a lot of fun and a few surprises with one of the fountains!