Sunday, March 3, 2013

We are walking. And climbing stairs.

Andrew started taking his first steps a couple of weeks ago, but they were few and far between, and we could never get them on video.  They would just randomly happen.  Nowadays, he walks pretty consistently, although usually only for a few feet at a time.

Here are a couple of videos showing him walking for the first times we could really capture it on video.  One is really blurry because the phone messed up, but it's still watchable.

Andrew also really likes climbing the stairs.  He started this a few weeks ago also, but again it was hard getting it on video without both parents in town.  This video starts and ends at normal speed, but ramps up to five times normal speed in the middle.  The total time for climbing the full set of stairs was about one minute and 52 seconds.

This boy is learning fast!!  And he's keeping us on our toes for sure!

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