Sunday, September 16, 2012

Mid-September Update

It's been a while since the last major update, so here's a little taste of what's been going on with Andrew.  Since the last post, Andrew has visited family and friends in Hilton Head, gone to work with Sam in Louisville, and put a few firsts under his belt (see the next post).

Just in case you thought Andrew was always happy and that we only upload smiling photos, here's an example of his heart-breaking sad face.

We saw this huge chair in Hilton Head and immediately knew that we had to have a photo of Andrew in it.

Andrew plays with Papa.

Sam's first time giving Andrew a bath.

Andrew has found his feet, and thinks they are quite tasty.

Rooting for Auburn in their first 2012 game against Clemson.  It didn't work.

Andrew LOVES when Sam makes this sound.

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