Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Four Month Check-up

Andrew turned four months old on Sunday!  I'll try to get Sam to post more photos of him in his four month attire later on today.  Well, today he had his check-up and everything is looking good.  He's a very big boy, but that's not really news.  He's meeting all of his milestones and is even ahead on others.

The only thing of concern at this point is his head shape.  He's always preferred looking to his left, especially when he's asleep.  When you've got a good sleeper on your hands, it's not uncommon to develop a flat spot.  He's had a flat spot for months now, but we were hoping it'd remedy itself once he started sitting up and playing more.  Well, unfortunately it's still there.  The pediatrician said we could try and wait until his six month appointment to see if it got better, or we could go ahead and have it looked at it now.  We've got an appointment with a specialist next week to see what they think.  I'm hoping they'll take lots of photos and measurements and see what it looks like in another month or two.  It's definitely not bad.  We just want to be proactive.

Other than that, things are great!  He had another round of vaccines and took them like a champ.  I can't believe he's getting so big already!

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