Monday, May 20, 2013

Splash Pads, Part Deux!

We took Andrew to another splash pad today.  He had an absolute blast.  He was running around so much, it was hard to keep up.  He covered the whole pad probably a dozen times, and it's just a little smaller than a basketball court.  Here are a few shots from today.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Kitchen Towels

Andrew likes disarray.  If you stack a bunch of legos, he will knock them over.  If you put a bunch of blocks in a row, he will jumble them into a pile.  If you have a nice bucket of toys, he will empty it onto the floor in 3 seconds.  And, if you hang kitchen towels on the oven, he will make sure they find their way back to the floor.  He does this every single time he sees them hanging.  So why do we keep putting them there?  Because it's hysterical to watch him think "Those don't go there!" and march right over to pull them down.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Splash Pads!

The weather here is finally warm enough that we can get outside and play in the water!  I've been waiting all winter for this.  Ever since we went on the cruise in November, I knew Andrew would have a ball playing in all of the splash pads Atlanta has to offer.  I tried to snap a few pictures today, but it's not easy to do.  That kid was having so much fun, he was running everywhere!  Hopefully, Sam will be able to come with us next time so we'll be able to get some better pictures.  

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Playing at a Friend's House

Andrew doesn't let his height keep him from
getting to all of the good toys in the bottom
of the toy box.  If he wants it, he goes for it.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May 1st!

I can't believe it's already May 1st.  This kid keeps us busy, so time is flying.  I realize it's been a while since we've posted anything, so I thought I'd do a quick one this morning.

We went down to Auburn on the 20th for A-Day.  There was a football scrimmage, a reunion from Sam's days with the school's TV station, and one last TPing of the trees at Toomer's Corner.  It was a long, busy day, but Andrew did great.  He made some new friends, saw his first football game, and fell asleep less than five minutes after we got in the car to drive home.

Andrew and his new friend, Wynn, watching a movie on my lap.

Andrew and Sam at Buddy's first football game.

War Eagle!!

Toilet papering the trees at Toomer's!

Andrew got a little carried away during
all the excitement.  

We went to the Georgia Renaissance fair last weekend.  Unfortunately the rain rolled in hours earlier than we expected.  We only got to stay for an hour or so before we had to retreat home.

Andrew playing the roll of my
Prince Charming.